At Natural Origin CBD, we strive to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity and accuracy. We value the trust of our readers and are committed to addressing any concerns or complaints regarding our editorial content. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines the process through which readers can voice their complaints and how we will handle them.

Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to all editorial content published on the Natural Origin CBD online magazine, including articles, opinion pieces, features, and any other written material created by our editorial team.

Types of Complaints

We encourage readers to provide feedback on any editorial content they believe to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of our editorial standards. Complaints may include:

  • Inaccurate or misleading information
  • Misrepresentation of facts or data
  • Bias or unfairness in reporting
  • Plagiarism or intellectual property concerns
  • Lack of attribution or improper sourcing
  • Offensive or inappropriate language or content

Submitting a Complaint

Readers can submit complaints by sending an email to [email protected] Please include the following information:

  • Your name and contact information (email address and phone number)
  • Date and title of the article in question
  • A detailed description of the issue or concern
  • Any supporting evidence or relevant sources

Complaint Handling Process

Upon receiving a complaint, we will acknowledge the receipt within two business days and initiate an investigation into the matter. The investigation will be conducted by our editorial team, which may involve consulting with relevant staff members, fact-checking, and reviewing the original content.

Response Time

We strive to respond to all complaints within five business days. However, depending on the complexity of the issue, the response time may vary. We will keep you informed of the progress and expected resolution time if it extends beyond the initial response period.

Resolution and Corrections

If we find that an error, inaccuracy, or violation of our editorial standards has occurred, we will take appropriate corrective action. This may include:

  • Publishing a correction or clarification alongside the original content
  • Updating the article with accurate information or additional context
  • Retracting or removing the content if necessary
  • Apologizing and addressing any harm caused by the error


If you are not satisfied with our response or the resolution provided, you may request an appeal by sending an email to [email protected] Your appeal should include the original complaint details and an explanation of why you believe the response was inadequate.

External Oversight

Natural Origin CBD is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards. If a complaint remains unresolved or if you are dissatisfied with our handling of the matter, you may contact relevant external regulatory bodies, such as local press councils or industry associations, to seek further assistance.

Policy Review

This Editorial Complaints Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with best practices. We reserve the right to make amendments or updates as necessary.

We are dedicated to upholding the trust and confidence of our readers. By providing a transparent and accessible complaints process, we aim to address any concerns promptly and fairly, while maintaining the quality and integrity of our editorial content.